Due to COVID-19, the due dates for tax returns and tax payments have been changed.

Due Dates for 2019 tax year:

Individual 1040 Tax Returns - Federal, CT, & NY - July 15th.  

           Other states have also changed their due dates to coincide with the Federal due date.  

Individual 2019 Tax Balances Due - Federal, CT, & NY - July 15th.

Individual 2020 First Quarter Estimates - Federal, CT, & NY - July 15th.

Individual 2020 2nd Quarter Estimates - Federal & NY - June 15th (unchanged)

                                                              - CT -  July 15th

What this means for Federal, CT, & NY (other states please confirm with us):

If you have not filed your tax return yet, you do not have to until July 15th.

If you have already filed your tax return, but have not paid your balance due yet, you do not have to until July 15th. 

Please visit the link below for guidance from the IRS.


Posted on March 26, 2020