As the IRS has noted in its alerts to the public, a variety of different tax scams continue to rob people of millions of dollars and trick them into handing over sensitive personal information.
Do you feel overwhelmed around tax time when trying to select a qualified and suitable tax return preparer? The Internal Revenue Service has published the following Tax Topic 254 as a guide for taxpayers when selecting a tax return preparer.
In our March 2014 newsletter, we provided a discussion entitled “What Are The Chances of Being Audited.” The article focused on the relative possibility of an audit given different levels of income.
Whether you just spent the entire summer paying for child care and are happy to know that you now have a safe place to drop off your children Monday through Friday or you are wondering where your kids are going to be between the end of the school day and the end of your work day, child care is something that parents are all thinking about and tr