Tax Tips

We’ve all heard it before.  That voice on the other end of the line that states that she or he is from the United States Treasury Department and you have an unpaid debt that needs to be settled, or else …  With the reduction in their workforce, the Internal Revenue Service has been authorized to utilize private debt collectors.  This has further

Posted November 26, 2018
Tax Planning

As we approach the end of 2018, it’s a good idea to review the mutual fund holdings in your taxable accounts and take steps to avoid potential tax traps.  Here are some tips.

Avoid surprise capital gains

Posted November 20, 2018
Tax Planning

As the holidays near, more and more shoppers are turning to online methods of procuring that special gift.  And it makes complete sense.  The world of e-commerce opens the buyer up to products that may be unavailable in the local area, and it’s often cost-efficient.  With this massive turn in consumer spending, tax systems are struggling to keep

Posted November 19, 2018
Tax Reduction Strategies

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) has enhanced two depreciation-related breaks that are popular year-end tax planning tools for businesses. To take advantage of these breaks, you must purchase qualifying assets and place them in service by the end of the tax year.

Posted November 13, 2018
Tax Planning

Small business ownership is a good way to take more control of your time and puts more money in your pocket.  But what is the true cost of small business ownership?  Surprisingly, many small business owners are faced with many challenges that may leave them with less time and less money than when they were earning a living working for someone el

Posted November 12, 2018
Tax Strategies

Before the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 bill was passed, buying a home was a big incentive to taxpayers looking to reduce their annual taxes.  While some states do have a benefit calculation on rental costs, and home office users can add rental costs to their expenses, for

Posted November 5, 2018